Thursday, January 5, 2012

We have moved!

We have moved!!!
Our new website is Though, we are still going under design of the website, everything else, INCLUDING ALL SUBMISSION INFORMATION is on that website.

As of right now all Final Cut Film Festival submitters must fill out this form by Feburary 17th at midnight. No late entries will be accepted. Thanks!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

We filled up fast!
If you couldn't sign up due to the full schedule, hurry and sign up here as well. Thanks!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ad Campaign

This is an opportunity to create an ad campaign for the 2012 Final Cut Film Festival. If chosen, your designs will be used to advertise the Final Cut Film Festival on BYU Campus and around the Provo area and you will win a $200 cash prize!

Your design must include:
- A logo and tagline that can be used for web, print and video such as shirts, fliers, programs and more.
- A concept for a commercial that can be realistically created by the end of Fall semester with the help of the Media Arts Students.

A very general theme that should somehow be incorporated into your campaign is “seeing the cinematic side of BYU.” Please take note that this is only a general theme that we would like to see come across in the campaign and festival as a whole and not a tagline.

Ideas will be pitched to the BYU Student Film Association near the end of October. The date and time is TBD. Pitches must be no more than 5 minutes and may include visuals such as print and video. You may work in teams, but there will be only one cash prize of $200.00 per group. Be creative in your presentation.

You may sign up for a time to pitch your idea here.Final Cut Ad Contest Sign Up
You must sign up no later than October 19, 2011.

If you have any questions, please contact the SFA at

Friday, August 26, 2011

Have a Fantastic Film For the Festival

Thinking about submitting a film to Final Cut Film Festival? Need the funds to make your movie spectacular? Click the link below to fill out an application to pitch your idea to a student audience at the Media Arts Forum. Popular votes can help you win $250 to make your film a reality. All majors are invited to apply.

But make sure you apply before October 15th.

we sure do love you guys,
SFA Council